Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pinterest Inspired DIY Paint Chip Art

So I was Pinteresting yesterday, looking for some new DIY projects. Something just doesn't feel right if I'm not in the middle of a project.

I came across this Pinterest post: (This picture below is a screen shot, so clicking on it won't take you to the link like it does on Pinterest. Here's the actual link:

I looked at it, decided it was easy enough, and I knew exactly where to put the finished product. I spent money on the canvases and the heart punch (which I got at Michael's for 40% off! = $6). The paint chips were free from Walmart. When you're taking five of each color, it looks a little suspicious, so you kinda have to do it on the sly.

I decided to use the colors in my shower curtain, which I also got from Walmart, so I just picked up one of the same shower curtains and used it to match the colors that I needed. Then, when I got home, I used the shower curtain again to decide what color pattern to use. Here's how it turned out:

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