Sunday, June 10, 2012


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." [Proverbs 3:5-6]

I just got home from church. It's a new church I've been going to and this was my third time there. The first time I went by myself, the second time I took Ryan with me, and this time I went by myself (we have opposite weekend work schedules so I can't make him go with me every time).

I really like this church. In some ways, it reminds me of my very favorite church in the whole entire world, United Christian Church. I wish UCC could video record their services and have them streaming on the internet so I could watch from my home and not even have to get out of my PJs but still get to be there. I miss that church and church family a lot.

This new church is called Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church. The way that I found them through my Google searching was by looking for a church that was "open and affirming." Or, as the Presbyterians say, "more light." I like open and affirming better because it's easier to understand. As I was sitting in church today and reading my bulletin, I read Saint Andrew's mission statement. This is the reason why I love this church already:

"At Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church, our mission is to love God and neighbor. As a congregation, we welcome all people into the life of the church regardless of age, sex, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity, socio-economic status or marital status, physical or mental ability, or any other worldly condition. We affirm that no one should be judged or excluded for who they are. Called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in the world, we work for justice for all people."

Now, you tell me--how could one read that and not fall in love? They stand for everything that I stand for when it comes to accepting all people for exactly who they are. I absolutely love that.

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