Friday, June 1, 2012

"I wanna see smoke comin' outta that bum when I'm done with it."

Yes, it's true. I started another Jillian Michaels workout video and she did say that while we were doing a specific move that was targeting our bum muscles. I'm not going to make a wild claim like I did last time...I'm not going to do this video every day and I'm not going to get ripped in 30 days. But I am going to try to get "Killer Buns & Thighs" to shape up my bikini body.

Following my best friend's lead, here's my life lately in photos!

Scared while attempting to shape up my buns & thighs.

I was trying on these shorts at Target and noticed a giant lump in the pocket.
There were two Super Tampons in the pocket of the shorts. Nasty. Who does that?

Out this past Tuesday with Ryan for our 1.5 year anniversary!

Filet Mignon and mashed potatoes from St. Elmo. Amazing.

I got to spend some time with my cousin before she went to Ecuador!
We have matching MAM tattoos :)

These are Pill Bugs. They like to come into my room from God knows where.
I'm pretty sure these two were doing something naughty, and I'm not cool with that.

Just some dirty foot prints in the middle of the wine/beer/liquor aisle at Walmart. Classic.

I saw this gorgeous rainbow when I was on I-65 between Indianapolis and Columbus!
I don't think I've ever seen something so beautiful in person.
I was driving from Indianapolis to Columbus to visit Cody!

This is me surrounded by the drugs that I deal. I'm also using a pen with a duct tape
flower on the top that Cody's little sister, Emily, made for me! Lime green is the best.

This is the most recent thing that I painted. This isn't the finished product,
but I'll have to wait to share it later on!


  1. Your makeup looks SO pretty in your St. Elmo's date night photo!

    1. Why, thank you! I did it myself :) I was pretty proud!
