Sunday, January 8, 2012

Legal Drug Dealer

Ok, I'm not really a drug dealer. I have been working as a Pharmacy Technician at CVS for over two years now.  At first, I was only working there because I couldn't find another job and my wonderful, amazing, incredible cousin/best friend [one in the same] knew I was looking for a job and when a full-time position became available at her pharmacy in Louisville, KY, I knew I had to accept the offer.

My coworker Amy and me at our store in Louisville right before I moved to Avon!

I worked in Louisville for one year before transferring two and a half hours north to Avon, IN. I was very lucky that my store was actually looking to hire someone because my boss is awesome, my coworkers are awesome, and our customers are usually pretty nice to us! I am still working at CVS because I have begun a Masters program to become a School Counselor, hence the second part of my blog description. I have finished one semester and in two weeks I will begin the second semester of my first year! I'm very excited, but the program is three years long, so I still have a while to go!

My new coworker Megan and me a few months after I moved!
[the pink jackets were for breast cancer awareness]
That's all for today, just since I added my blog description I wanted to clear that up :)

Have a wonderful Sunday . . . it's off to work for me!

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